Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Training - Beyond the 5 A's: Improving Cessation Interventions Through Strengthened Training

This one-and-a-half day interactive conference by National Jewish Health and the North American Quitline Consortium in collaboration with the Smoking Cessation Leadership Center will bring together professionals who currently design and deliver smoking cessation education programs with public health tobacco cessation experts, systems decision-makers, health care providers and researchers, to translate recent advances in both evidence and practice into action that will improve the frequency and effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions. Through its unifying theme of improving training to providers on addressing tobacco use with their patients, the conference will engage participants in new knowledge and discovery related to cessation interventions with specific populations, interventions within specific health care settings and cessation delivery by specific types of providers. Attendees will examine recent advances and discuss their own successful approaches, strategies, techniques and challenges to improve the effectiveness and quality of smoking cessation interventions.

November 14–15, 2013. DoubleTree Paradise Valley Scottsdale, Arizona.  For the save the date flyer, click here.  Email questions you may have to ProEd@njhealth.org.

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