Thursday, June 12, 2014

Message from the National Behavioral Health Network

Over the coming year, the National Behavioral Health Network will promote health and wellness efforts to prevent and reduce tobacco use and cancer among people with mental illness and substance use disorders by:
·         Showcasing the expertise and the great work that Many of YOU are already engaged in local communities across the U.S. and abroad;
·         Connecting YOU to peers as well as state and national-level resources;
·         Engaging, empowering and educating states and local communities on the importance of targeted health and wellness promotion and education efforts for this population; AND
·         Providing YOU access to leading experts and thought leaders in the fields of tobacco and cancer.

Starting June 2014, the National  Behavioral Health Network will be rolling out:
·         FOUR webinars showcasing clinical, community and policy interventions aimed at eliminating tobacco and cancer-related disparities among people with mental illness and substance use disorders and CALLING YOU TO ACTION;
·         ONE multi-state leadership forum to document and disseminate best practices and recommendations from states that have or plan to implement tobacco and cancer control efforts;
·         BI-MONTHLY E-NEWSLETTER, the Network Insider,  that provides cutting-edge information and resources, showcases what’s happening in local communities, highlighting the latest news and literature and will serve as a bulletin board for events that are happening across the U.S. and abroad; AND
·         National Behavioral Health Network WEBSITE, that will provide an interactive experience for Network participants and serve as a forum for peer-to-peer networking among Network participants and resource hub.

>>>>>>Stay Tuned in the upcoming weeks for detailed information about these events! <<<<<<<

We are looking forward to working together to eliminate tobacco and cancer-related disparities that exist among people with mental illnesses and substance use disorders!

Do you have any thoughts on how to prevent and reduce tobacco usage and cancer rates among people with mental illness and substance use disorders? Please send your comments to me at

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