Wednesday, July 31, 2013

E-Cigarettes: The Vapor This Time? Live Webcast Panel 1-4 PDT

E Cigarettes: The Vapor This Time? Live Panel Cast
Expert researchers will present the state of the science on electronic cigarettes. A question and answer discussion period will follow presentations:
Jean-Francois Etter, PhD, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Monique Williams, ABD, University of California Riverside
Chris Bullen, MBChB, PhD, Auckland University, New Zealand
Prudence Talbot, PhD, University of California Riverside
Discussant: Stanton Glantz, PhD, University of California San Francisco
Host: Tobacco Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP), University of California Office of the President

Event details including general registration and registration for Continuing Medical Education / CE units will be posted on this website in the coming months. Please visit us again. Save the Date email questions

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